Tuesday 22 May 2012

Answers to Your Intimate Weight-Related Questions

Being overweight not only damages us physically; it damages us mentally. Some people who struggle with weight issues become extremely depressed and create a vicious cycle in which they eat to satisfy an emotional need and end up even more obese.

This is the question you need to find an answer for first and foremost. The answer will ultimately decide the way in which you choose to proceed or even if you choose to proceed at all. Feeling negatively about your body can stem from many things, and until you can figure out the "why," you may not be able to lose weight. You may be caught in a vicious cycle where you're eating too much because you feel bad for weighing so much.

The goal here isn't to take a giant leap for mankind. There's no magic button you can push and go from a couch-dwelling guy to a workout junkie overnight. It's going to take time. Life changes happen not instantly but incrementally. If you start to do something today, you can do a little more tomorrow. Before you know it, you can build healthy habits.

What you want to keep a journal of is the positive progress you're making. You should not be keeping a diary. You don't need to write down all your negative feelings and how you face the day. Instead, write down the practical steps you're taking to change, making sure to note all results and food items, etc. Keep it diet based.

If you were trying to kick cigarettes, someone lighting up in front of you would make you want one instantly. It's the same thing with being on a diet. If you're eating a salad and see someone eating a slice of cheesy, meaty, delicious pizza, you're going to want it. It's best if the people in your life realize what you're trying to do. Then they can be supportive instead of acting as enablers.

Most of us have something in our lives that keeps us away from healthier habits. It could be TV, work, the computer, etc. Find out the thing(s) consuming the majority of your time, and work to rewrite your schedule to include more time for exercise in your life. Even if it's just a walk around the block, you need to make it happen.

It could be that your girlfriend or boyfriend wants you to lose weight. Maybe people at school or at work are dropping hints that you need to shed some pounds. Well, forget them. You don't need to worry about others' opinions of you; you need to worry about what you want for yourself. Figure out what you want out of your lifestyle changes and you're more likely to get there.

It is always important to ask questions in life. This is especially true if you're trying to change your life. Asking the right questions means you'll find the right answers, and finding the right answers will enable you to lose weight and to keep it off.

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